Actually, High-Tech Imaging Can Be High-Value Medicine
By Karan Chhabra “Can you hear it?” she asked with a smile. The thin, pleasant lady seemed as struck by her murmur as I was. She was calm, perhaps amused by the
By Karan Chhabra “Can you hear it?” she asked with a smile. The thin, pleasant lady seemed as struck by her murmur as I was. She was calm, perhaps amused by the
By Kei Ouchi, MD “I need a doctor in here!” As I walk into the resuscitation room in the emergency department (ED), I see Mr. G, a cachectic elderly gentleman barely
By Miah Newman, RN Looking at health care I see so many ways we can improve. With the costs rising and deductibles killing the budgets of families in need of
By S. Matt Read It was just before dawn, and Annie was shaking. I said her name once without a response, then again. Nothing. Then a long moan. I jumped
By Robert Fogerty, MD, MPH “You look nice today. People don’t come to chemo in suits very often.” The friendly and familiar receptionist mentioned as I was checking out, the always