Vineet Arora MD, MAPP

Chairperson of the Board

Dr. Arora is currently the Chairperson of the Board of Costs of Care. She has been a member of the Costs of Care organization since 2011. She is currently the Dean for Medical Education of the University of Chicago Biological Sciences Division (BSD) and oversees all aspects of UChicago’s medical education continuum and ensures active engagement in providing an outstanding educational experience for students and trainees. Dr. Arora received a bachelor’s degree from Johns Hopkins University and Doctor of Medicine degree from Washington University Medical School. She has led pioneering work on resident sleep, fatigue and handoffs that have informed changes in residency duty hours. She is the principal investigator of an AMA Accelerating Change in Medical Education grant to integrate health systems science into medical education and is a Josiah Macy Faculty Scholar for her work improving the interprofessional clinical learning environment at UChicago Medicine.