Course 1A: Introduction to Value-Based Health Care (Modules 1-3)
- 1 1. There’s a Better Way
- 2 2. Story From the Frontlines : The Human Costs of Inefficiency and Waste in Healthcare
- 3 3. Providing value for Patients
- 4 4. How Big of a Problem is Health Care Waste?
- 5 How Big of a Problem is Health Care Waste? Question
- 6 5. Unnecessay Care
- 7 6. Focusing on Outcomes
- 8 7. Care Redesign Case: Value-Driven Outcomes at University of Utah Health Care
- 9 8. Using Data to Identify Opportunities for Improving Care for Patients
- 10 9. Conclusion: Value-Based Health Care
- 11 1. Introduction to Measuring What Matters
- 12 2.Story From the Frontlines
- 13 3. Measuring Outcomes
- 14 4. Patient Outcomes.
- 15 5. Using Measures Frameworks to Improve Outcomes
- 16 Using Measures Frameworks Question
- 17 6. Comparing Outcomes of Different Treatment Strategies
- 18 Comparing Outcomes of Different Question
- 19 7. Care Redesign Case: UNOS
- 20 8. Conclusion: Measuring What Matters
- 21 1. Understanding Costs in Health Care
- 22 2. Story From the Frontlines
- 23 3. Speaking the Same language : Health Care Cost Terms
- 24 Speaking the Same Language Question
- 26 4. The Cost of Care: Different Approaches
- 27 The Cost of Care Question
- 28 5. Toward More Transparency
- 29 6. Care Redesign Case: MD Anderson (TDABC)
- 30 7. Applying TDABC to Compare Cost Calculations
- 31 8. Conclusion: Understanding Costs of Care
- 32 Deep Dive: Basics of Health Care Financing in the US