Paul Weber, MD, MBA
Rutgers University
Dr. Paul Weber’s healthcare career spans nearly four decades. He is presently Associate Dean-Continuing Medical Education at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson (RWJMS) and New Jersey Medical Schools (NJMS). He also is an American Medical Association (AMA) Health Systems Science (HSS) Academy Co-Mentor & 2020 Scholar. Dr. Weber is the Thread Director of the HSS UME Curriculum at Rutgers RWJMS and Course Co-Director for Physicianship I and Patient-Centered Medicine (PCM) 2 & 3. He serves as the Program Director, Distinction in Medical Innovation and Entrepreneurship (DiMIE), Course Director for the Financial Literacy, Managed Care, Healthcare Policy & Emergency Preparedness, and Biomedical Entrepreneurship Network (BEN) electives, and Faculty Advisor for the BEN and Choosing Wisely Student Interest Groups at RWJMS.