Costs of Care and ABIM Foundation Launch Teaching Value in Health Care Learning Network

By Neel Shah, MD MPP

There is growing recognition that physicians are increasingly being asked to deliver high-quality care while at the same time acting as careful stewards of expensive medical resources. Current medical training does not adequately prepare them to practice with these two directives in mind.

Health care innovators across the country are taking a critical look at this challenge and are developing new models of health care delivery and identifying the skills and competencies that will be required of physicians.

One effort to showcase these initiatives is being led by the ABIM Foundation and Costs of Care, who have created the new Teaching Value in Health Care learning community to give early adopters and innovators in medical education a venue to share best practices and learnings. The community seeks to inspire others to adapt these ideas and implement them in their own institutions.

“The Teaching Value and Choosing Wisely® Challenge taught us that there is a vibrant community of really passionate people out there trying to improve the way we deliver health care,” said Neel Shah, MD, Founder and Executive Director of Costs of Care. “We want to tap in to the wisdom of this community and invite anyone interested in helping overcome these challenges to join us.”

The Teaching Value in Health Care learning community is open to all clinicians who are committed to advancing the competency of stewardship. It provides a collaborative space for like-minded medical educators to share new ideas and learn from one another.

In addition, the learning network will feature monthly “Third Thursday” webinars with leaders in medical education that highlight implementation models and innovations in value-based training.

The “Third Thursday” series kicks off on March 19 at 12 p.m. ET and will feature Dr. Robert Fogerty, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Academic Hospitalist at Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Fogerty will be discussing “I-CARE” (Interactive Cost-Awareness Resident Exercise), an exercise he created that engages faculty and trainees in a friendly competition to create effective, lower cost care plans using traditional Morning Report structure and institutional charge data.


Neel Shah, MD, MPP is Executive Director of  Costs of Care, an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and associate faculty at the Ariadne Labs for Health Systems Innovation.

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