1.Bringing it all Together: Value-Based Health Care Delivery
MODULE 5 | Section 1
of 11
Bringing it all Together: Value-Based Health Care Delivery
This module will bring together the concepts of modules 1-4 to illustrate a holistic view of value-based health care delivery for patients and communities. This is where we clearly move from “theory” to practice and dig into the components necessary to ensure the delivery of high-value care.
We will also briefly discuss the importance of aligning payment mechanisms and leveraging health information technology to help restructure care delivery.
Analyze the features of a high-functioning value-based health care delivery system.
Recognize the benefits of team-based care interactions organized around patient medical needs and conditions.
Reflect on the importance of measurement focused on patient health outcomes.
Recognize the benefits of measuring and capturing actual costs of providing patient care.
Reflect on the causes and impacts of waste in health care.
Explore methods to curb overuse in health care.
Describe reimbursement mechanisms that support value of care provided across a full care cycle for medical conditions.
Explore examples of how health information technology can be leveraged to help restructure care delivery and accurately measure results.
Describe key structures of a delivery system focused on moving from volume to value.
Review key components of value-based health care.
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Course 1B: Value-Based Health Care Delivery (Modules 4-5)